Security Deposit Forms
A security deposit tends to be a sum of money that is held in trust either like an initial part-payment within a purchasing process. It is usually used to stop the seller from going and selling the item to someone else whilst the agreed time period is present whilst the buyer decides if the item is suitable or arranges any finances. If you are a landlord, you will ask the person renting your place to pay a security deposit. What is a Security Deposit Form? The security deposit form tends …
Used Bike Sale Receipt
As the world gathers success in the field of science and technology, it suffers with the quality of every research and product because it has been deteriorating badly. Earlier, people were hard-working and expected good outcomes. They used to make a variety of quality products by using a few raw materials but recently quality of everything has gone to such a low level that their resale value is second to zero. The resale business had enjoyed a booming period earlier because it was considered a profitable business but now these …
Coffee Shop Daily Sales Report Template
A coffee shop’s daily sales report is a document, that reflects the day-to-day sales of a coffee shop. It is, usually, prepared by the sales department, to be presented to the management, so that the management can get an idea of the sales situation and the generated income. It is prepared on every working day and records the sales of that day. Time to generate the report The frequency of the sales report varies from one organization to another, and from one management to another. The type of business also …
Photography Business Quotation
In the business world, professionals always prefer sending quotations to their prospective clients and customers. The quotation lets others know about the price and type of services a professional service provider likes to provide. This gives plenty of information to the person looking for professional services. What is a photography business quotation? It is a document that is prepared by a photographer to give a summary of the type of services he provides and at what charges. The professional photographer has the best opportunity in the form of the quotation …
Computer Repairing Bill Format
Bills are issued by all the service providers to those who purchase their services. No matter what type of services you use, you will always have to pay for them. For some services, we are charged after a week or month, and for some, we are charged as soon as the service fulfills our desire. Just like any other individual, computer mechanics also use a bill to charge others.  What is a computer repair bill? It is a document that a computer repair service provider issues to the customer who …
Stationery Bill Format & Template
Bills have a very important role to play in our life. Whenever we buy new products or services, we are required to pay for them. We receive the bill in which the total amount to be paid is mentioned. Another name for a bill is an invoice that we receive and it is a kind of obligation for us to pay the amount mentioned in it. What is a stationery bill? If you are running a stationery shop and you sell stationery items, you will need a bill format that …
Baby Shower Guest Food  & Task Planner
For many people, planning a baby shower is just like planning a wedding because they celebrate it the way they have celebrated their big day. However, when it comes to organizing the event of the baby shower, many people find it very daunting to do so. There is a huge to-do list to manage. A long list of things is required to be done in order to make a baby shower event successful. There are many guests who are invited to the event of a baby shower. Therefore, planning the …
Business Planning Checklist Template
A business plan is the first that you need to consider when you are planning to start a new business or expand the existing one. The business plan is not only useful for a business owner but investors and lenders who are thinking to invest in the business to make good use of it. Business planning is a process of outlining all your thoughts and decisions that you have taken to make your business run successfully. Business planning enables the business owner to write the business plan in an attractive …
Event Financial Planner
If you have been thinking about creating an event or performing its planning then the first thing you have to do is create the event budget. This is a repeated action and you would be able to create some basic framework in favor of your budget and perform some editing in it all along the way as well.   For some people creating an event, the budget is quite an intricate task as well. But as you have been realistic and somehow create complete padding in view of any emergency, …
Breakeven Analysis Worksheet for Small Business
Small businesses do not start making a profit overnight. It takes a lot of effort, time, and patience to see profit generation. In the beginning, every small business owner tries to ensure that if there is no profit, there is no loss either. This is where a business decides to conduct an analysis. A break-even analysis is a process in which a business performs financial calculations to determine costs. Break-even analysis is more important for a small business than for a large enterprise. To put it simply, we can say …
Credit Card Use Personal Log
Credit card has become very prevalent these days. We hardly find a person who does not know about credit cards. As a matter of fact, credit card has made it easy for people with a lack of money to spend money on the things they want. However, the payment made through a credit card is required to be repaid. Repayment of the credit card payment is made when the bank tells the credit card user about the money, he has spent using a credit card. The credit card user should …