Equipment Maintenance Log for Excel
To utilize equipment to the fullest over its life it is essential to maintain it regularly. When equipment is used by an organization its condition may deteriorate, however, if it is properly maintained, the condition, as well as the value of the equipment can be preserved at least over the equipment’s life. Nevertheless, the maintenance needs to be done rightly and timely. When an organization owns several types of equipment it becomes difficult to remember the maintenance details of each type of equipment. To help the organization be aware of …
Vehicle Maintenance Log for Excel
When a vehicle is in use it requires constant maintenance such as oil change, tire updates, alignment fixing, engine repairs, etc. An organization may own and use a number of vehicles and it becomes difficult to remember the maintenance details of all the vehicles. Therefore, to manage the maintenance schedule a vehicle maintenance log is maintained. What is a vehicle maintenance log? A vehicle maintenance log is a spreadsheet to record all the relevant information of the vehicles in use. The individual details of the vehicles are recorded separately over …
Petty Cash Log Sheet for Small Business
Usually, the small organizations keep their cash in the banks. However, some cash is kept in hand to cover the day-to-day expenses, that need to be paid immediately, or in physical cash. This type of cash is referred to as petty cash. For small businesses, petty cash is important, as their accrual-based expenses are lesser than the cash-paid expenses. It is essential to record all the transactions, that the business does with its petty cash, which becomes possible by using a petty cash log worksheet for a small business. What …
Visitor Logbook Template
Meeting new people and having a conversation with the customers is the key to success for any business. There can be lots of visitors each day. Some of those visits are planned while some are totally unplanned. You may have to conduct several types of meetings and sessions with your clients and customers each day. What is a visitor logbook? A visitor logbook is a document that is used to keep track of all the visitors each day. This document is very beneficial for a business since it helps a …
Cash Logs
Cash Logs Either you are running a business or not, you must know the importance of cash, it’s handling, and it’s proper check or recording. In organizations or businesses, irrespective of the size of it, proper records or sheets are maintained in which the cash flow is recorded. These sheets or records are known as logs. The main items that are most commonly recorded on the sheet are purchases, sales and the amount that is sent to the bank at the day’s end. In simple words, this log helps the …
Vehicle Mileage Log Book
If a person is a company owner or he/she is working for any organization, the vehicle mileage log book assists in keeping the daily record. It helps the company owner in keeping the record, so that he/she can have the information related to the mileage and it assists the employee in keeping the record for giving it to the employer for paying the expenses. The mileage sheet usually contains the boxes for writing the meter reading from where it started and where it ended. There is also a box for writing …
Offline Issues Log Template
An issues log is a document used to track and handle problems that develop during a project or program. A project manager faces many difficulties that can influence the project during its lifecycle. An issue log is a critical project document that assists the project manager in dealing with these problems. Its objective is to guarantee that all issues are detected, recorded, and monitored consistently and efficiently. This enables project managers and other stakeholders to identify and prioritize concerns quickly, as well as take appropriate action to resolve them. The …
Vehicle Logbook Template
A logbook is defined as a document that keeps records of any activity. There are various formats of maintaining a logbook depending on the activity under consideration and the requirements of the concerned individual. It is a preferred method of keeping records because of its systematic nature which helps to navigate a particular entry in less time. Its organized manner makes it a more likable and preferable method. A vehicle logbook is used for maintaining records about a particular vehicle. It may be used by an individual to keep a …
Daily Workout Log
Physical health refers to the well-being of a person physically i.e., all his internal systems are working in a fine manner and contributing towards his physical state of being. In case of ailments, medication, and other remedies struggle to maintain a homeostatic environment inside the body that keeps it functionally well and running. Exercise contributes a lot to a healthy physical state of a person by keeping them on the move. A proper workout regime has proven to exert positive effects on the physical as well mental health of an …
Infant Feeding Log
Infant feeding log is a record of all the feedings of an infant for an entire day. It provides information about how much milk has been consumed by the baby in 24 hours. It is important to know about the overall feeding pattern because it directly affects growth and any serious discrepancy in the pattern should be checked by a specialist. Usually, infants are fed on a schedule which may include 2 or 3 ounces after every hour and as they grow, quantity of milk is increased simultaneously. Type of …
Parent Teacher Communication Log
Parents are responsible for bringing a child into this world and teaching them basic manners which help them survive and make decisions about their life. Teachers have a rather difficult role in shaping a child’s brain to achieve certain goals. Teachers help children imagine the world from their viewpoint and provide them with tools to make it a better place for living. Parent and teacher communication logs refer to the document shared among both entities to discuss the learning and behavioral progress of a child. It does not only discuss …